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晋江天禾酒店 [百度一下]
公司地址:福建省 晋江市金井镇海滨新城商业西区一楼
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
晋江天禾酒店位于福建省晋江市金井镇,系福建七匹狼集团全资子公司,委托香港华铂酒店管理公司管理。酒店按国际四星级标准装修的集客房、餐饮、娱乐、会议、休闲于一体的精品、时尚、特色酒店。Jinjiang JinXiang hotel is located in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, Jinjing Township, Department of Fujian Septwolves owned subsidiary of Wolf Group, Managent By HongKong Grand Platinum Int’l Hotel Management co.,Ltd According to international four-star hotel renovated guest rooms, dining, entertainment, conference and leisure in one of the boutique, fashion, features the hotel.

140间(套)宽敞明亮的客房,完善的设施设备,简洁、时尚的装修风格,为商务及休闲旅游的客人提供程度的舒适和便利,高速宽带上网让您工作流程畅通无阻,舒适的居住环境带给您家外之家的温馨感觉;可同时接待800人用餐的温馨典雅中餐厅/宴会厅,由粤菜名厨亲自料理,细心周到的餐饮服务让您享受味觉盛宴;近900平方米的多功能厅具有自由分割的空间变化及出众的音响配备,可为企业新闻发布会、产品展示会、主题晚会、生日晚会、团拜会等提供理想场所;配套的桑拿、足浴和KTV等将让您的旅游途倍加舒适惬意;完善的商务会议设施和专业的服务将确保您的每一次活动都留下愉快、难忘的回忆。140 (set) bright and spacious rooms, excellent facilities and equipment, simple, stylish decoration style, for business and leisure guests maximum comfort and convenience, high-speed broadband Internet access to your workflow smooth, comfortable living environment gives you the warmth of home away from home feeling; can host 800 people at the same time warm and elegant dining in the restaurant / banquet hall, in person by the Cantonese cuisine chefs, attentive dining service allows you to enjoy the taste feast; supporting the sauna, Foot and KTV, etc. will allow you to double the safe and comfortable way of travel; comprehensive business conference facilities and professional service will ensure that every activity of your stay pleasant and memorable memories.

酒店地理位置优越,交通便利,紧临沿海大通道。距金门岛仅5.6海里;距晋江机场仅30分钟车程;距厦门机场80分钟车程。Ideally located, easily accessible, close to a major thoroughfare along the coast. From Kinmen Island, 5.6 miles; from Jinjiang Airport and 30 minutes; from Xiamen Airport 80 minutes.


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